Money, by Jeanne

 With Jeanne we read about how teenagers can earn some money and what they spend their money on. Jeanne spends her money on her hobbies: on clothes, on pens and on horses!

Learn some money vocabulary:

How can you have money?

– You can earn money; when you work, you earn (money)

– You can get money from your parents, which means, your parents give you money, or they pay for your hobby. 

– You can work for your money, for example you can do baby-sitting, or washing the neighbour’s car.

– When you work, you get paid for your work.

So, how much do you ask for an hour of baby-sitting? How much do you ask for washing the neighbour’s car?

Everything has a price. This is the money you pay for something. When you ask about the price, you ask “How much is it?” 

When you pay, you can pay in cash, or with a credit card, so the shop assistant asks you “How do you pay?” What do you answer? You answer : I pay in cash. And where do you keep your money? You keep it in your wallet. When you buy something, and you pay for it, you spend your money. When you a pay a lot of money for something, it is expensive. A car is expensive. When you pay little money for something, it is cheap. But if you have a dream, and you need money to make your dream come true, you don’t spend your money, but you save it. If you save € 10 each month, you will have € 120 at the end of the year. You will be rich. If you don’t save your money, but always spend it, you will not have any money, you will be poor

So, how much money do you have at the end of the year, if you save € 20 each month? Leave a comment with your answer. To see if you know all the money words, do the crossword puzzle. 

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